Overview of the PTE Speaking Test
Personal Introduction
(1 question)
25 seconds to read the prompt and prepare your response
30 seconds to answer
it is not scored
Read Aloud
(6 to 7 questions)
30 to 40 seconds to read the text and prepare. After this time, a beep sound will indicate time to start recording.
Time to answer varies depending on the length of text.
Each recording is played ONCE only.
Begin speaking as soon as you hear the beep sound. If you remain silent for longer than 3 seconds, the recording will stop and your score is zero.
Repeat Sentence
(10 to 12 questions)
Each recording is played ONCE only.
A status box will count down from 3 seconds and then the audio will play. No beep sound to indicate for you to speak.
Speak immediately when the status changes to "Recording."
Describe Image
(3 to 4 questions)
25 seconds to look at the image and prepare your response.
Speak immediately when you hear the beep sound. You have 40 seconds to answer
Retell Lecture
(1 to 2 questions)
10 seconds to prepare.
You will hear a beep sound to indicate you need to start speaking.
40 seconds to answer.
Answer Short Questions
(5 to 6 questions)
You will hear a question and you have 10 seconds to record your answer.
Click NEXT as soon as you're done answering.
Overview of the PTE Writing Test
Summarize Written Text
(1 to 2 questions)
After reading a text, write a single, complete summary of the reading passage.
Write more than 5 words but less than 75 words.
You have 10 minutes to answer each question.
Write an Essay
(1 to 2 questions)
20 minutes to answer
Write a minimum of 200 words, but no more than 300 words.