OET Reading
The OET Reading Test is the second part of the test.
Approximately 60 minutes (15 minutes for Part A and 45 minutes for Parts B and C).
42 questions
3 parts (Part A, B and C).
Includes matching, sentence completion and short answer question.
Part A
4 short reading passages related to healthcare taken from various sources, including healthcare journals, magazines, and patient information leaflets.
20 questions.
Matching, sentence completion and short answer questions.
Write your answers in the blank space provided in the question booklet.
Test the test takers ability to quickly and efficiently identify specific information in a reading passage.
Part B
6 short passages related to healthcare workplace. It can be an extract from hospital guidelines, policy documents, manuals or internal communications, such as email or memos.
6 questions.
3 option multiple-choice questions.
Shade the circle next to your chosen answer. Answer written elsewhere will not be scored.
Test the test takers ability to comprehend and analyze the reading passage, as well as their ability to identify key information and draw conclusions.
Part C
2 long reading passages related to healthcare topics, such as medical research, or medical journals.
16 questions.
Multiple-choice questions.
Shade the circle next to your chosen answer. Answer written elsewhere will not be scored.
Test the test takers ability to understand and interpret complex medical reading passages.
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